Nova KBM

Change of the publication date of the 2013 Annual Report of Nova KBM d.d. and the Nova KBM Group and of the Statement of compliance with the Corporate Governance Code | NKBM

In accordance with the applicable legislation and good business practice Nova KBM d.d. hereby gives the following notice:

Change of the publication date of the 2013 Annual Report of Nova KBM d.d. and the Nova KBM Group and of the Statement of compliance with the Corporate Governance Code

1 April 2014
In accordance with the applicable legislation and good business practice Nova KBM d.d. hereby gives the following notice:
The 2013 audited Annual Report of Nova KBM d.d. and the Nova KBM Group and the Statement of compliance with the Corporate Governance Code will be published after the completion of all necessary procedures and within the statutory deadlines, instead of 31 March 2014 as initially anticipated. 
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