Nova KBM

Declaration on the Protection of Personal Data | NKBM

We treat personal data in Nova KBM in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act (ZVOP-1) and the Nova KBM Personal Data Protection Act, d.d.

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Nova KBM handles personal data according to the Personal Data Protection Act (ZVOP-1) and the Rules on Personal Data Protection of Nova KBM d.d.
These documents govern personal data processing, personal data protection procedures and measures, as well as responsibilities and supervision of such processing.

User of the bank website (natural person) entering (personal) data gives personal permission for processing of his/her personal data and allows the bank to collect, acquire, enter, organise, inspect, store or in any other way processes his/her personal data kept in the personal data filing system.

The website user acknowledges and agrees that the bank may use his/her personal data for the purpose of contacting with the user, preparing an offer and using his/her personal data (including the e-mail address and/or telephone number) also for the purpose of sampling activity, client surveys and statistical processing of client data, for identifying the use of services, adapting the service range and segmentation, for market research, and to inform him/her, until revocation of consent or for 3 years after the termination of the business relationship, about its service range, new products and special offers, as well as to distribute magazines, brochures and other promotional material about the entire service range of the bank and its affiliated companies (Nova KBM Group), using various communication channels, such as telephone, personal mail, e-mail, SMS, etc. The website user acknowledges that he/she may at any time request that his/her personal data stop being used for the purposes of direct marketing specified herein, by submitting an unsubscribe request to the email address

The website user acknowledges that pursuant to the Personal Data Protection Act (ZVOP-1) each individual has the right to inspect, transcribe, copy, update, correct, block and delete personal data relating to him/her, unless this right is limited by applicable law.
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