Nova KBM

Easy investment | NKBM

Now you can do business with mutual funds and trade financial instruments easily and cheaply, and monitor the status of your investments in one place, via Bank@Net and mBank@Net.

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Do business with mutual funds and trade financial instruments easily and cheaply, and monitor the status of your investments in one place, with Bank@Net and mBank@Net.

Refine your savings and monitor investments in mutual funds and/or shares on the Ljubljana Stock Exchange and most global capital markets.

nova kbm
Mutual funds

The online bank Bank@Net and the mobile bank mBanka@Net enable easy transactions with Sava Infond and Raiffeisen Capital Management (RCM) mutual funds.

For Triglav Funds, the online and mobile bank currently offers an overview of the balance and the purchase of existing funds.



nova kbm
Stock brokerage

The Bank@Net online bank and the mBank@Net mobile bank enable trading in shares on the Ljubljana Stock Exchange and most global capital markets.

For a better user experience of investing through the mBank@Net mobile bank (with a smartphone), we recommend that you install the mBank@Net Invest application on your phone before trading financial instruments for the first time. Download it for free from Google Play or App Store.

Video manual - Investing in mBank@Net mobile bank

All investments in one place

To make investing easy, transparent, and accessible for you too, watch a demonstration video that shows the management and monitoring of investments in the best mobile bank mBank@Net.

What does dealing with mutual funds in online and mobile banks involve?

  • Insight into portfolio status.
  • Determining new approaches.
  • Purchase and sale of mutual fund points and transfer between Sava Infond and Raiffeisen Capital Management (RCM) mutual funds.
  • Renewal or modification of the existing risk profile of the investor.

What are the advantages of doing business with mutual funds in online and mobile banks?
  • Manage your investments anytime, anywhere 24/7.
  • Quick and easy opening of new declarations of accession.
  • Purchases and sales of points and transfers between mutual funds.
  • Insights into balances and transactions in one place.

What does trading in financial instruments in online and mobile banks involve?

  • Submitting and reviewing the realization of purchase orders or sales, review of the portfolio status, statements, and documentation on completed transactions and operations.
  • Real-time monitoring of stock prices on the Ljubljana Stock Exchange, weekly reports, and stock movements on global capital markets.
  • Renewal or modification of the existing risk profile of the investor.

What are the advantages of trading financial instruments in online and mobile banks?

  • Manage your investments anytime, anywhere.
  • Quick and easy placing of orders and immediate information about the execution of orders.
  • Overview of portfolio status, all orders, transactions, and billing in one place.
  • Affordable trading fees.
How to do business with mutual funds from our offer in the online and mobile banks?
Nova KBM

Visit the Nova KBM branch. Bring your identity document and tax number with you.*

Nova KBM

Complete the questionnaire to determine the investor profile.
Nova KBM

Enter into the mediation agreement and the declaration of accession.
Nova KBM

If you have not yet opened a personal account that includes the Bank@Net online bank and the mBank@Net mobile bank, open it directly through mBank@Net or in any branch.
Nova KBM
In the online and mobile bank, you can access mutual funds in the "Investments" tab.
Nova KBM

* In case you have:

  • an open TRR at Nova KBM,
  • Bank@Net online bank and/or mBank@Net mobile bank,
  • valid Investor Profile,
  • open at least one declaration of accession with each DZU and
  • edited personal data in the customer register or
  • if you are a Premium bundle owner (in this case, contact your Premium personal banker),

a visit to the branch is not necessary.


How can you trade shares on the Ljubljana Stock Exchange and most global capital markets?

Nova KBM

Visit the Nova KBM branch. Bring your identity document and tax number with you.*

Nova KBM

Complete the questionnaire to determine the investor profile.
Nova KBM

Enter into an Agreement on brokerage and account management of dematerialized securities.
Nova KBM
If you have not yet opened a personal account that includes the Bank@Net online bank and the mBank@Net mobile bank, open it directly through mBank@Net or in any branch.
Nova KBM
In the online and mobile bank, you access stock brokerage in the "Investments" tab.
Nova KBM
Make an advance payment or enter into a direct debit and start trading.
Nova KBM

* In case you have:

  • concluded Agreement on stock brokerage and account management of dematerialized securities,
  • an open TRR at Nova KBM,
  • Bank@Net online bank and/or mBank@Net mobile bank,
  • valid Investor Profile,
  • edited personal data in the customer register or
  • if you are a Premium Package owner (in this case, contact your Premium personal banker),

a visit to the branch is not necessary.


 Nova KBM
Purchase and sale of mutual fund units


The Bank@Net online bank is available online. Once you've signed up, you can start doing business.

You access the mobile bank with your smartphone. If you haven't already, download it from Google Play or the App Store. You can start doing business with funds the first time you log into mBank@Net.





Nova KBM
Nova KBM Trading in capital markets

The Bank@Net online bank is available online. Once you are logged in, in the "Investments" tab, access the login by clicking on the "BUY/SELL" button. Documents related to trading and using the online bank are presented during the first registration. Confirm them by accepting the stated conditions.

You can access trading in the mobile bank through the mBank@Net application. If you haven't already, download it from Google Play or the App Store. You can start trading after the first login to the mBank@Net mobile bank.

For a better user experience of investing through the mobile bank, we recommend that you install the mBank@Net Invest application on your phone before trading financial instruments for the first time. Download it for free from Google Play or App Store.

Warning to investors
Infond mutual funds are managed by the company Sava Infond, družba za upravlenje d.o.o., mutual funds Raiffeisen Capital Management (hereinafter: RCM) are managed by the company Raiffeisen Kapitalanlage - Gesellschaft mbH, BNP Paribas funds are managed by BNP Paribas Investment Partners, funds Allianz Global Investors Fund are managed by the company Allianz Global Investors Luxembourg SA, Deka Investmentfunds funds are managed by Deka International SA, Luxembourg.

The companies Allianz Global Investors Luxembourg SA and Deka International SA, Luxembourg have decided to deregister all their mutual funds in Slovenia.

Marketing, distribution, and payments of Infond funds and RCM and BNP Paribas funds in Slovenia are carried out by Nova KBM d.d.

Mutual funds are not a banking service and do not provide guaranteed and guaranteed returns. Investments in mutual funds are not covered by the deposit guarantee system, which applies to deposits of individuals and small legal entities in transaction accounts, savings deposits, cash deposits, and cashier's notes, which are registered in the name, and collected at banks and savings banks.

A prospectus with included management rules for each Infond fund or The Sales Prospectus, Key Information for Investors, and Annual and Semi-Annual Reports are available free of charge on the websites of the Infond Funds, RCM Funds, and BNP Paribas in the Mutual Funds section, at the headquarters of Nova KBM dd and all branches of Nova KBM d.d.

Due to fluctuations in the exchange rates of securities and currencies, it is possible that the investor will not get back all the funds he invested in the mutual fund during the investment period. Data on changes in the value of RCM and BNP Paribas mutual fund units are published daily in the newspaper Časnik Večer. Entry fees or the distribution fee for individual funds is mostly between 0 and 3 percent of the amount paid. There is no exit fee, the management fees of individual funds can be seen on the websites of Infond funds, RCM funds, and BNP Paribas.

The information on this website is not an offer, a recommendation to buy or sell, nor an investment analysis, and does not constitute investment advisory services, but is informational only.

To obtain information on the suitability of an individual investment and accurate data regarding investment in a mutual fund, the investor or the potential investor contacts his financial advisor or the enrollment office.
Warning to investors
Limitation of liability
When dealing with securities, Nova KBM dd acts as an intermediary. Securities are not the same as bank deposits; when purchasing securities, the investor assumes the risk that, upon their sale or maturity, he will receive less than he invested in them.
All information provided by the bank is for informational purposes only. The Bank can provide the customer with information based on publicly available sources, which it considers to be reliable, but cannot assume responsibility for the possible falsehood of publicly published information. The Bank assumes no responsibility for costs or losses in any way related to the provision of this information. However, we recommend that investors obtain additional information about potential investment risks before making an investment decision. Future events on the capital markets are not conditioned by past movements and events.

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Do business with mutual funds and monitor your investments in the Bank@Net online bank or the mBank@Net mobile bank.

Download mBank@Net mobile bank here:

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In the branch

You can also visit us at the premises of the Investment Banking Department or the nearest bank branch.

We are the most accessible bank with the widest network, where you can provide various banking services throughout Slovenia.
Nova KBM

Everything you wanted to know about mutual funds investment


At the bank, we strive for a wise choice of investments and make sure that our clients understand in detail investments in mutual funds and the conditions and costs associated with them.

Licensed experts make sure that customers get the products that suit their wishes and needs.


Mutual funds exchange rates

Enrich your savings in mutual funds or domestic and foreign capital markets. Trust our experienced experts to provide you with information on investments, products, and services in the field of financial instruments.


vzajemni skladi naložbe varčevanje borzno posredovanje

Stock brokerage and investment advisory

Trust our experienced experts to provide you with information on investments, products, and services in the field of financial instruments.

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