Nova KBM

ESG strategy | NKBM

ESG strategy


Our main commitment is a comprehensive ESG transformation based on a well-thought out strategy and our firm conviction to help create a better world.

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The ESG Strategy is our decisive answer to the question on the kind of world we wish to live in and our legacy we wish to leave behind for future generations. The Bank is aware of the growing importance and adequacy of an all-encompassing ESG programme, in particular with regard to climate change, for its business and the environment it operates in. ESG factors interconnect with one another and have an all-around impact on all strategic pillars. This is why we strengthened them with the ESG dimension with the aim of gradually introducing ESG strategies into our overall business strategy.

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With the aim of implementing the ESG Strategy in a comprehensive and efficient manner, the Bank established a dedicated governing body – the Climate Change & Sustainability Committee, with all four Management Board members acting as Committee members as well. Strategic activities are carried out in the lines for which the Bank developed commitments, action plans, and results monitoring methods.

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Aside from clear goals and our dedicated work, successful implementation of the ESG Strategy also requires connections and experience sharing. We are actively involved in professional discussions and professional associations in the field of ESG. Some of the most prominent organizations we cooperate with include:


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Bank Association of Slovenia is a supporting member of the UN-convened Net-Zero Banking Alliance, which focuses on the fulfilment of ambitions of the banking sector to align its commitments with the Paris Climate Agreement.

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CAFI (Climate Action in Financial Institutions Initiative) is a global initiative for the management of climate considerations in financial institutions. The CAFI combines renowned financial institutions around the globe that have made a voluntary decision to honour internationally agreed commitments, treat climate change threats as a matter of priority, and systematically integrate these considerations into their strategies and programmes.

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CER (Partnership for sustainable economy – Partnerstvo za trajnostno gospodarstvo) is a Slovenian regional professional body that promotes green technologies across all industries and strives to accelerate climate-neutral economy.

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IRDO Institute – a leading Slovenian organisation that contributes to the development of social responsibility in Slovenia and abroad with research, training, consulting, connecting and promotion. The IRDO is the body awarding the HORUS award for outstanding achievements in social responsibility. Nova KBM is one of the past winners of the award.

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Green Network of Slovenia combines companies, local communities, educational institutions, institutes, offices, and other legal entities that are aware of the significance of sustainable development and social responsibility. The Network is blazing a path for connecting and communicating on environmental and sustainable projects, solutions, innovations, and achievements.


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