Nova KBM

Guarantees | NKBM

Guarantees, the most efficient and useful instrument of business insurance. It is intended to insure risks between business partners in case of non-payment or non-fulfillment of other contractual obligations.

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The most effective and useful security instrument in business. The aim of a guarantee is to protect against risks in relationships with business partners in case of failure to pay or risk of not having other contractual obligations fulfilled.


Nova KBM

Guarantees are security instruments used in both domestic and international trade to reduce the risk of failure to pay or the risk of not having other contractual obligations fulfilled.


Nova KBM

By issuing a guarantee, the Issuing Bank takes on an irrevocable commitment to pay, irrespective of any objections by the Applicant, any amount up to the maximum guarantee amount, subject to the Beneficiary presenting in due time a written demand for payment, accompanied by other required documents and in accordance with the terms of the guarantee.

Nova KBM

As a rule, Nova KBM issues irrevocable guarantees, payable on first demand. Any such guarantee is an abstract, independent obligation of the bank and is separate from the underlying business.



For the beneficiary - receiver of the guarantee:
Nova KBM By receiving a bank guarantee, the risk of financial and business credit rating of your business partner is eliminated. If the partner does not fulfill their contractual obligation, you, as the Guarantee Beneficiary, can demand payment from the Issuing Bank (the Guarantor). It is therefore important that you only accept guarantees issued by banks with the appropriate credit rating.
Nova KBM A received guarantee reduces the risk of failure to pay and risks of not having other contractual obligations fulfilled within the agreed deadlines.
Nova KBM The wording of the guarantee is important as well. At Nova KBM, we recommend that you accept guarantees subject to the Uniform Rules for Demand Guarantees (URDG) issued by the International Chamber of Commerce. This way, you will receive a guarantee that will be treated in a standardized and uniform manner by all parties to the guarantee transaction (i.e. the Applicant, the Guarantor, the Beneficiary) and in different parts of the world, regardless of any specific characteristics of local law.
For the guarantee:
Nova KBM By obtaining a guarantee from a bank issued to the benefit of your business partner, you demonstrate to your business partner that your business is earnest and that you are financially stable.
Nova KBM In case of public procurement or other tenders, obtaining a bank guarantee is, in most cases, one of the basic requirements to participate in the tender.

Payment guarantee
  payment guarantee (Payment Guarantee, Zahlungsgarantie, Garanzia di pagamento),
  payment of import duties, taxes, and charges (customs guarantee),
  insurance of goods in transit (transit guarantee),

Service guarantee
  the seriousness of the offer (offer guarantee, Tender/Bid Bond, Bietungsgarantie, Garanzia di offerta),
  refund of the advance (advance guarantee, Advance Payment Guarantee, Anzalungsgarantie, Garanzia di résumo d'acconto),
  good execution of works (performance guarantee, Performance Guarantee/Bond, Erfuellungsgarantie, Garanzia di buona execución),
  rectification of errors during the warranty period or guarantee for the retained amount (Guarantee for Warranty Obligations/Warranty Guarantee/Retention Money Guarantee, Gewaehrleistungsgarantie, Garanzia di buon funcionzione),
  other service guarantees.

How to get a guarantee?

Nova KBM

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