Nova KBM

Nova KBM co-financed a company in green transition | NKBM

Nova KBM co-financed a company in green transition

Nova KBM co-financed a company in green transition

27 October 2023
Nova KBM is strongly committed to social responsibility and sustainable business, both of which present a material part of our strategic guidance. The approach toward the management of these lines in the bank has grown more and more holistic over the years. Today, Nova KBM can present itself not only as being fully committed to the implementation of environmental and social responsibility in everything we do, but also as a s. c. Green Leader, for which we were also awarded the Green Star certificate for sustainable business and climate action.

We are aware that the transition to a net-zero society is important for all of us, which is why Nova KBM is developing sustainable financing and therewith associated products and services. Investments that impact sustainability aim to ease the pressure on the environment, which is why we focus in our business on supporting companies that actively strive either to limit their negative impact on the environment or to benefit both the environment and society.

We are proud to be a partner of a company with a 70-year tradition that has successfully embarked on the journey to green transition. With their project Green transformation of billets and slugs with an investment value of EUR 38 million, the high-tech manufacturing company Talum continues its active restructuring of manufacturing programmes toward green transformation, as the company’s focus on net neutrality through increasing the circular economy leads to the company using a greater volume of recycled aluminium in the products they make.  

Nova KBM will co-finance the development of a new smart slug production plant and thereby help the company grow their existing product range and develop new products. By launching the new slug plant, Talum will create 100 jobs, thereby further solidifying its position as the largest slug manufacturer in the world.

Nova KBM promotes environmentally friendly investments as a member of OTP Group

Nova KBM’s financing of the green transition and environmentally friendly investments is part of the bank’s efforts that include a commitment towards responsible conduct in relation to the environment and society and promote positive changes leading to a more sustainable economy. As part of this strategy, we offer our clients more affordable financing for investments that support more environmentally responsible business. Going forward, Nova KBM, part of OTP Group, will continue to actively support companies that are undergoing green transition and developing their social responsibility.   
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