Nova KBM

Nova KBM Management Board soon to have four members | NKBM

The Nova KBM Supervisory Board has appointed Jonathan Charles Locke (Jon Locke) as a new member of the Nova KBM Management Board, subject to approval by the European Central Bank (ECB).

Nova KBM Management Board soon to have four members

23 August 2016
The Nova KBM Supervisory Board has appointed Jonathan Charles Locke (Jon Locke) as a new member of the Nova KBM Management Board, subject to approval by the European Central Bank (ECB).
Jon Locke is an experienced international banker, who will serve as Chief Risk Officer. The Supervisory Board believes that his knowledge, skills and experience will significantly contribute to the further development of Nova KBM and its group, as well as the successful work of the Nova KBM Management Board, now consisting of Robert Senica as the President and Sabina Župec Kranjc as the Member. Given that the Supervisory Board also appointed Josef Gröblacher in July who will serve as Chief Operating Officer (subject to approval by the ECB), the Nova KBM Management Board will soon have four members.

Jon Locke has more than 20 years of management and advisory experience in banking, especially in the areas of risk management and the management of NPLs in Central and South East Europe. During his career, he has been a leading management team member in a number of bank transformation programmes, with specific emphasis on credit risk, NPL management and data integration. Since January 2014, he has served as the CRO of Banca Comercială Română, the leading bank in Romania and a member of the Erste Group. Between 2003 and 2013, he held Management Board positions in three of the Central European subsidiaries of the Intesa Sanpaolo Group: he was the Chief Workout Officer at CIB Bank in Hungary until 2013, prior to which he was the Deputy CEO and the Chief Risk Officer at Privredna banka Zagreb, and before that he held the same positions at VUB Banka in Slovakia. Jon Locke also gained management, professional and advisory experience with Deloitte, where he was a Partner from 2001 until joining VUB Banka in 2003. Prior to joining Deloitte, he worked for Coopers & Lybrand and PwC for 10 years, being based in London, Prague and Moscow and serving the firm´s financial institution clients.

The new member of the Nova KBM Management Board was appointed in accordance with the applicable Fit and Proper Policy, the Policy on the Selection of Suitable Candidates for the Management Body and based on the positive opinion given by the Supervisory Board Nomination Committee.
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