Nova KBM

Payments and schedules of payment traffic | NKBM

Payment transactions

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Domestic and cross-border payment schedules for consumers, entrepreneurs and private individuals.
Nova KBM

To ensure that your payment is made on time, please use the payment services according to the payment services schedule.

Payment services schedule
Universal Payment Order (UPN)
The UPN form is a universal payment order that you can use for domestic and cross-border payments in euros:
  • for non-cash payments (credit payments),
  • for cash payments (money transfers in cash),
  • for a cash deposit (deposit of cash proceeds to a payment account at the parent bank)
  • and to withdraw cash.

You can find more information about the introduction of the universal payment order on the website of the Association of Banks of Slovenia , where you can also find a free UPN printout program .
SEPA Direct Debit
Direct debit is a convenient method of payment for paying regular monthly obligations (telephone, electricity, water...) and you don't need to worry about timely execution, as we take care of everything.

In order to settle the obligations, the funds in the account must be available in accordance with the schedule of payment services. If you do not have available funds on the account for payment on the day of execution, it will not be carried out, and we will inform you of this.
Standing order
A standing order is intended for the payment of monthly obligations where the payment amount is always the same (e.g. loan installment, savings...). To settle the obligation, the funds in the account must be available one day before the date of payment. If you do not have available funds on the account for payment on the day of execution, it will not be carried out and we will inform you of this.
Domestic payment
It is a payment to recipients in Slovenia in EUR or other currencies of EU/EEA member states: GBP, DKK, SEK, NOK, CHF (Liechenstein), PLN, BGN, HUF, CZK, HRK.

*EEA = EU + Iceland, Norway and Liechtenstein
Payment cost options: SHA, BEN and OUR
Three different types of charges: SHA, BEN and OUR determine the payer of the charges related to the transaction. The cost option is agreed upon by the business partners, i.e. the buyer (payer) and the supplier (recipient of payment) when concluding the transaction.

The SHA option is the most common in practice and means that all transaction costs incurred on the side of the sending bank are paid by the payer, and the costs incurred on the side of the receiving bank are paid by the payee, which means that the payout bank deducts the amount of the inflow fee (immediately or subsequently) from the amount of the transfer. In this case, the payee also pays the costs of intermediary banks.

The BEN option means that all costs of the transaction (of the payer's bank, any intermediary banks and the payee's bank) are borne by the payee.

The OUR option means that all transaction costs (of the payer's bank, any intermediary banks and the payee's bank) are borne by the payer.

Nova KBM executes cross-border transactions within the framework of the legally permissible method: that is, with the option of SHA costs, but in no case with the option of OUR and BEN costs, as it is not legally allowed.
Cross-border payment
It is a payment between EU or EEA member states* in EUR or other currencies of EU/EEA member states: GBP, DKK, SEK, NOK, CHF (Liechtenstein), PLN, BGN, HUF, CZK and HRK.

*EEA = EU + Iceland, Norway and Liechtenstein
Regulated cross-border payment
It is a payment between EU or EEA* member states in EUR and must contain:
  • IBAN of the payee,
  • the amount
  • BIC-SWIFT code of the recipient's bank,
  • the option of shared costs marked "SHA", which means that each participant pays the costs of his bank for making or receiving the payment
*EEA = EU + Iceland, Norway and Liechtenstein
Restrictive measures
Based on legal requirements and business decisions Nova KBM fully takes into account the restrictive measures introduced by the international community against entities (legal entities, natural persons, companies, states or others, depending on the adopted measure).

In its operations, the bank strictly follows the EU/FBE, UN and OFAC list of restrictive measures. Compliance with the restrictive measures is expressed in the form of a complete ban on business: Nova KBM does not establish business relationships or carry out payment transactions with entities that are placed on the specified lists of restrictive measures.

Based on a business decision, Nova KBM does not enter into a business relationship or carry out transactions with legal or natural persons that are in any way directly or indirectly connected to Syria, Sudan, North Korea, Cuba, Iran or the area of Crimea, Donbass (Donetsk and Luhansk regions), regions Kherson and Zaporozhye in Ukraine.
Transactions worth EUR 15,000 and more
In accordance with the Act on the Prevention of Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism (ZPPDFT), when making payments of 15,000 EUR or more (individual or several clearly connected transactions), the bank is obliged to obtain information about the purpose and the recipient. In such cases, we will need information from you about the purpose of the payment (e.g. invoice no. __, contract on __, advance payment for __, preliminary invoice no. __) and complete information about the recipient: first and last name, permanent residence or title and seat of the person to whom the transaction is intended (street, house number, place and country).
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