Nova KBM

Publication of Prospectus for regulated trading in Nova KBM d.d. shares | NKBM

In accordance with provisions of the Code of Best Practice for WSE Listed Companies, Ljubljana Stock Exchange Rules, and the applicable legislation, the Management Board of Nova KBM d.d. hereby makes the following notice:   On 9 July 2013 Nova KBM d.d. received a decision of the Securities Market Agency on the approval of the Prospectus  for admission to trading of additional shares of Nova KBM d.d. – KBMR on the regulated market.  

Publication of Prospectus for regulated trading in Nova KBM d.d. shares

11 July 2013
In accordance with provisions of the Code of Best Practice for WSE Listed Companies, Ljubljana Stock Exchange Rules, and the applicable legislation, the Management Board of Nova KBM d.d. hereby makes the following notice:   On 9 July 2013 Nova KBM d.d. received a decision of the Securities Market Agency on the approval of the Prospectus  for admission to trading of additional shares of Nova KBM d.d. – KBMR on the regulated market.  
The Prospectus is attached. Date of trading is to be specified later. 
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