Nova KBM

Responsible loaning | NKBM

At the bank, we are committed to responsible loaningand make sure that our borrowers understand the details of taking out a loan.

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At the bank, we are committed to responsible loaning and ensure that our borrowers understand the loan in detail.



Our commitment


Nova KBM

Transparent information, full disclosure.
Nova KBM

Nova KBM

Advice on choosing an appropriate loan and an understandable price list.
Nova KBM
Creditworthiness checked.
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Clear advertising.

Your commitment

Nova KBM

Select the appropriate loan and ask questions.
Nova KBM

Read the standard preliminary information and loan agreement.
Nova KBM

Assume loan obligations responsibly.
Nova KBM
Regularly meet your loan obligations.
Nova KBM
Notify us of changes to your information.


In order to mitigate and prevent excessive growth in consumer lending, the Bank of Slovenia adopted macroprudential measures on 1 November 2019 that affect the approval of consumer loans.

In order to comply with the measures (restrictions), the already high loan approval standards in Nova KBM have changed:


Nova KBM

The maximum maturity of a consumer loan is 7 years (until now the maximum maturity was 8 years).

  The following remains unchanged at our bank :

Nova KBM

The maximum allowed value of the ratio between the amount of the loan and the consumer's annual income at the time of concluding the loan agreement.

Nova KBM

The maximum recommended value of the ratio between the amount of the loan agreement for residential real estate and the value of the residential real estate with which the loan is secured at the conclusion of the loan agreement.
When calculating creditworthiness, we adjusted:
Nova KBM
Considering inflows on an annual basis. So for the last 12 months (previously we only considered the last 3 months).
Nova KBM

We adjusted the amount for dependents as determined by the measure.



The bank does not offer consumer loans in foreign currency and consumer loans for real estate in foreign currency, as defined by the Consumer Credit Act (ZPotK-2).

A loan in foreign currency is a loan that is calculated in the currency of:
  • which is not the currency in which the consumer receives income at the time of loan assessment or has funds from which the loan will be repaid, or
  • which is not the currency of the Member State in which the consumer has his permanent residence at the time of concluding the loan agreement.

All you need to know about the loan:


Do you actually need a loan?


Can you even afford a loan?


What should you pay attention to when renting a loan?


Which loan to choose?


How do I get an offer?

nova kbm

 What is creditworthiness?




Why loan insurance at all? 


What is the effective interest rate?


Interest rates


Meet your loan obligations on time  


Please inform us about the change in your data  


In case of problems with repaying the loan (due to loss of job, prolonged illness, etc.), contact the bank immediately


Possibility of early loan repayment


Take care of your safety and the safety of your loved ones


School of interest rate

Nova KBM
Fixed interest rate

The interest rate does not change during the term of the loan, which means that the customer pays the same amount of the monthly obligation every month for the entire repayment period, and so knows with certainty what the total interest will have to be paid.

Usually, a fixed interest rate is higher compared to a variable one, as it provides the customer with an unchanging monthly commitment for the entire period.



Nova KBM
Variable interest rate

The interest rate consists of the reference interest rate of 3-month EURIBOR, which changes, and an interest markup (margin), which remains fixed throughout the period.

In case of a change in the 3-month EURIBOR, the monthly obligation may increase or decrease.

If the EURIBOR would be less than 0.00%, for the period when the EURIBOR is lower than 0.00%, the bank applies and calculates the contractual interest at the reference interest rate EURIBOR 0.00%, increased by the surcharge.

Usually, a variable rate is lower than a fixed rate because the customer can have a different annuity every six months.


What is the effective interest rate?

It shows the actual price of the loan and is shown as the total cost of the loan, which includes interest and all bank costs (such as loan approval and insurance costs, loan management costs, transaction account management costs,...).

What should you pay attention to when taking out a cash loan?


Interest rate, hidden costs, loan insurance... What should you pay particular attention to when taking out a consumer loan, advises Tina Valantič, manager of Branch Hoče in Nova KBM.

consumer credit responsible lending credit forward

What should be considered before taking out a cash or consumer loan?

It is important that we realize our goal in such a way that we can settle our financial obligations without any problems. Before taking out a loan, we, therefore, advise you to assess your current financial capabilities and what they will be in the future, i.e. in the long term during the loan repayment period. Think about it before you go for a loan because once you decide, you can conclude it quickly and easily.

What is something that people often overlook when taking out a consumer loan?

When taking out a loan, pay attention to all loan costs, such as interest rate, approval costs, loan management costs, payment of insurance premiums, etc.

At Nova KBM, we do not charge you approval costs when you take out a consumer loan this year. We also do not charge you any other hidden costs. The easiest way to calculate how much you will pay for a loan is with an online informative calculation.

What about contingency insurance? Why and to whom do you recommend it?

When we talk about the insurance of unforeseen events, we are talking about the possibility that, when renting a loan, you can ensure that you and your family or heirs will not be additionally financially burdened in case of an insured event. Nova KBM offers two types of borrower insurance: for unemployment and for death or permanent incapacity for work. Especially in recent years, customers are increasingly opting for the mentioned insurances.


Nova KBM

Reference interest rate reform - general information

What are reference interest rates?

Reference interest rates are used when determining the contractual interest rate in various financial contracts, the amount of which the contracting parties have no influence, as they are calculated by an independent body. They usually represent the cost of borrowing money in different markets. They can show how much it costs banks to borrow money from each other or from other sources (such as pension funds, insurance companies, or money market funds).

Reference interest rates are used throughout the economic system, and they play a key role in the financial and banking system. Banks use them mainly in loan contracts concluded with individuals and companies.

For example, the bank grants the company a loan at an agreed (variable) contractual interest rate, which consists of a reference interest rate (e.g. EURIBOR) and an interest surcharge of two percent per year. In this case, this means that the company will pay contractual interest in the amount of the reference interest rate, increased by a surcharge of two percent annually. Contract interest increases if the reference interest rate increases, or decreases if the reference interest rate decreases.

Why are reference interest rates being reformed and how is this happening?

Reference interest rates are useful as long as they are reliable and unbiased – they should be calculated transparently and easily and publicly available. If the contract is based on a reliable reference interest rate, neither party can influence the agreed interest rate. Since reference interest rates are economically important, it is crucial that their reliability is ensured by a clear management structure and transparent methodology.

Currently, European reference interest rates are being thoroughly reformed. The reform process is primarily driven by Regulation (EU) 2016/1011 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 8 June 2016 on indices used as benchmarks in financial instruments and financial contracts or to measure the performance of investment funds, and amending Directives 2008/48/ EC and 2014/17/EU and Regulation (EU) no. 596/2014 (the EU Regulation on Reference Values), which was adopted in 2016 and entered into force in January 2018. In 2021, the regulation was slightly amended, namely, it introduced the possibility of a statutory determination of the replacement interest rate by the European Commission.

Key reference interest rates

Key reference interest rates

EURIBOR® is the reference interest rate at which banks in the European Union and the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) can raise funds in the unsecured money market. It is defined for several terms: one week and one, three, six, and twelve months. The authority that administers this reference rate is the European Money Markets Institute (EMMI). The method is based as much as possible on actual transactions of predefined deadlines.

If this is not possible, in order to maximize the robustness of the reference interest rate, the calculation techniques defined by EMMI are used for calculation from a wider spectrum of maturities or, if necessary, some other technique, a combination of techniques and the expert judgment of the banks participating in the panel.

€STR is an interest rate that reflects the cost of unsecured overnight bank borrowing in the euro area from banks, money market funds, insurance companies, and other financial institutions.

LIBOR (London Interbank Offered Rate) is a group of London benchmark interest rates that includes LIBOR CHF.

What is SARON?

SARON (Swiss Average Rate Over Night) is an interest rate that reflects executed and binding quoted transactions overnight on the interbank market in Swiss francs. The controller is SIX Financial Information AG. SARON is calculated as a weighted average of executed transactions in the electronic trading system at SIX. It is calculated continuously and published daily.


Due to the announced cessation of publication of LIBOR for the Swiss franc, the National Working Group on Swiss Franc Reference Rates recommended the composite SARON as a replacement interest rate for the Swiss franc. The Swiss National Bank accepted this recommendation and announced in June 2019 that it will start using SARON in the conduct of its central banking policy. The International Swaps and Derivatives Association (ISDA) also recognizes SARON as the basis for LIBOR compensation for the Swiss franc.


SARON data management complies with international standards for reference interest rates.


The European Commission also followed the recommendations and set SARON as the appropriate replacement reference interest rate for LIBOR CHF by EU Regulation (Implementing Regulation 2021/1847).

Why is LIBOR being canceled?

LIBOR's administrator is ICE BA (ICE Benchmark Administration), which is supervised by the UK's FCA (Financial Conduct Authority). In March 2021, the FCA informed the public that the publication of the London LIBOR reference rate in CHF, GBP, EUR, and JPY, as well as one-week and two-month USD, will no longer be guaranteed after the end of 2021, so banks must transfer existing contracts to alternative or alternate benchmark rates until December 31, 2021. LIBOR for remaining USD maturities expires on June 30, 2023.

The change affects all banks or financial contracts linked to LIBOR in the aforementioned currencies (USD, CHF, EUR, GBP, JPY).

What does the cancellationof CHF LIBOR mean for customers?

The cancellation of the reference interest rate CHF LIBOR means that the bank can no longer use this reference interest rate as the basis for calculating the contractual interest rate (which currently consists of the 6-month CHF LIBOR and a markup).


In order to enable the smooth continuation of contracts after the termination of CHF LIBOR, the European Commission adopted Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/1847 of 14 October 2021 on the determination of statutory compensation for certain maturities of CHF LIBOR, whereby as a replacement interest rate the rate of the 6-month CHF LIBOR was determined by the 3-month (conforming) SARON.


However, since there is a difference in value between CHF LIBOR and SARON, the European Commission, in order to minimize the economic impact of replacing the 6-month CHF LIBOR with the 3-month SARON, added an adjustment to the 3-month SARON for a fixed spread of 0.0741% p.a. The fixed spread adjustment is calculated based on the median historical spread between the Swiss franc LIBOR rate and the relevant SARON over the five-year data coverage period up to 5 March 2021.


When will the benchmark interest rate to replace LIBOR CHF come into effect?

The new reference interest rate will start to be taken into account at the first value adjustment in 2022.

Are other reference interest rates also changing?

Many other reference interest rates, e.g. EURIBOR in the Eurozone, HIBOR in Hong Kong, BBSW in Australia, CDOR in Canada, and TIBOR in Japan are not managed or regulated in the same way as LIBOR and are expected to remain unchanged until further notice or until otherwise notified by their administrators.

Some reference interest rates have already been reformed or will change in the future. Already in 2017, the European Central Bank decided to develop the euro short-term interest rate (€STR) - a reference interest rate that has been available since October 2, 2019, and replaced the EONIO.

Stories from our clients
When you need cash:

Nova KBM

A new comfort

"I gaze sadly at my living room and ruined sofa."



Nova KBM

I love my motorcycle

"My motorbike broke down a few days before going on holiday."




When deciding on a new home or renovation:

Nova KBM

My idyllic house on the outskirts of the city

"I inherited a house not far from the city center from my grandparents. Big ideas about the complete transformation of the house became more and more feasible with full-time employment."



Nova KBM

I finally have my own home

"I've been dreaming about a new apartment since I was a student. I found a job and a person with whom I share a dream."



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