Nova KBM

Direct debit and standing order (Business SEPA) | NKBM

The new KBM enables the implementation of SEPA direct debits.

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SEPA Direct Debit (SDD) is a payment service that is implemented according to the rules of operation of one of the SDD schemes, between participants with payment accounts with payment service providers who have joined the relevant scheme for SEPA direct debit.

Nova KBM
Clearly defined rules

SEPA direct debit is a payment service that is implemented according to the rules of operation of one of the schemes, between participants who have payment accounts with payment service providers that have joined the relevant scheme for SEPA direct debit. The basic and B2B scheme for SEPA direct debit are defined by the Rules of Operation of the Basic Scheme of SEPA for Direct Debits and the Rules of Operation of the B2B Scheme of SEPA for Direct Debits.
Sepa direct loads
The payee enters into a contractual relationship with the bank with which he has an open transaction account for the implementation of SEPA direct debits. An integral part of the contract are the General Terms and Conditions for SEPA Direct Debit for Recipients of Payments.

Nova KBM implements SEPA direct debits in accordance with the bank's schedule for consumers, private individuals and entrepreneurs, or in accordance with the schedule for legal entities.

The exchange of data between the payee and Nova KBM takes place in accordance with the Manual for the use of the UNIFI standard (ISO 20022 from point 4.1.1).
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