Nova KBM

Shares and debt instruments | NKBM


The core capital of Nova KBM amounts to 150,000,000.00 EUR.
It is divided into 10,000,000 ordinary no-par value shares.


Nova KBM d.d. issued the following securities:

Nova KBM d.d. issued the following securities:

Type Ticker ISIN code Issue Date Maturity Interest Rate Amount in EUR
Tier 2 KBM11 SI0022103897 9 October 2019 9 October 2029* 4% p.a.** 90,400,000
Senior non-preferred (SNP) KBM12 SI0022104176 25 May 2021 25 May 2027* 1.625% p.a.*** 175,700,000
Senior preferred (SP) NOVAKR 7 06/29/26 XS2639027346 29 June 2023 29 June 2026* 7.375% p.a.**** 400,000,000
Senior preferred (SP) NOVAKR 4 ¾ 04/03/28 XS2793675534 3 April 2024 3 April 2028* 4.750%***** 300,000,000

*the bond is callable by NKBM d.d.
**annual interest rate, which is:
  • From 9 October 2019 until, but excluding 9 October 2024, 4%
  • From including 9 October 2024 onwards, the Reset Rate of Interest valid as of Reset Date and premium of 4.4%
***annual interest rate, which is:
  • From 25 May 2021 until, but excluding 25 May 2026, 1.625% 
  • From including 25 May 2026 onwards, the Reset Rate of Interest valid as of Reset Date and premium of 1.855%
****annual interest rate, which is:
  • From 29 June 2023 until, but excluding 29 June 2025, 7.375%  
  • From including 29 June 2025 onwards, the floating rate of interest 3M EURIBOR plus the margin of 3.496%
*****annual interest rate, which is:
  • From 3 April 2024 until, but excluding 3 April 2027, 4.750% p.a. 
  • From including 3 April 2027 onwards, the floating interest rate 3M EURIBOR plus a margin of 1.90%
List of issued debt instruments in accordance with Article 230 of the Bank Rescue and Compulsory Dissolution Act (ZRPPB-1)
Security code of debt instrument Amount of Issuer’s total obligations pertaining to the issuance Total number of debt instruments issued Issuance date and maturity date for obligations under the debt instruments Ranking of payment for obligations under the issuance in case of wind-up procedure in consideration of the priority of payments determined in Article 230 of ZRPPB-1
90,400,000 and interest 904 9 October 2019
9 October 2029*
The Notes constitute direct, unsecured and subordinated obligations of the Issuer and shall qualify as Tier 2 Instruments.
In the event of normal insolvency proceedings (bankruptcy proceedings (steฤaj)) or compulsory liquidation (prisilna likvidacija) of the Issuer, the claims on the principal amount of the Notes are paid in line with Article 230(2)(10) in connection with Article 230(4)(2) ZRPPB-1.
175,700,000 and interest 1,757 25 May 2021
25 May 2027*
The Notes constitute direct, unsecured and unsubordinated obligations of the Issuer, provided that they are senior non-preferred obligations of the Issuer under debt instruments which meet the conditions for debt instruments pursuant to Article 230(2)(9) ZRPPB-1.
400,000,000 and interest 4,000 29 June 2023
29 June 2026*
The Notes constitute direct and unsecured obligations of the Issuer which meet the conditions for debt instruments pursuant to Article 230(2)(8) ZRPPB-1.
NOVAKR 4 ¾ 04/03/28
300,000,000 and interest 3,000 3 April 2024
3 April 2028*
The Notes constitute direct and unsecured obligations of the Issuer which meet the conditions for debt instruments pursuant to Article 230(2)(8) ZRPPB-1.

*bond is callable by NKBM d.d.

Nova KBM Nova KBM Nova KBM
Nova KBM Nova KBMNova KBMNova KBM