Nova KBM

Student bank account | NKBM

Students who earn money by working through the student service, receive a scholarship, pocket money, or some other income and can freely use a card, or online bank and pay with a mobile phone. Fast and convenient!

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Master your finances and future. Get to know a modern bank account with which you can use the best services in Slovenia. It is intended for all students between the ages of 18 and 27.
I am interested   OPEN ACCOUNT ONLINE

Nova KBM

Monthly maintenance 0,00 EUR.


Nova KBM

Free Visa debit card with exclusive benefits at selected bank partners.

Nova KBM

Open an account in 10 minutes from anywhere with mBank@Net.
Nova KBM
Easy payment with a Visa debit card at home, abroad, and online.
Nova KBM
Free use of the best online and mobile bank in Slovenia.
Nova KBM
Security SMS notification for Visa debit card (for holder).
 Nova KBM

Free use of mobile wallet mDenarnic@, Google Pay and Flik.
Nova KBM
Regular allowed overdraft of funds in the amount of 400 EUR*.
Nova KBM
Free cash withdrawals at around 450 Nova KBM and SKB ATMs, in bank branches, and at any post office in Slovenia.
 Nova KBM

5 free withdrawals in EUR per month at foreign ATMs**.


Are you interested in a Student bank account? Signing up is easy.

nova kbm

With just one call

Click "I am interested", submit your information and we will contact you as soon as possible.


You can also contact us and we will help you find the best solution for you.

telefon   080 17 70
Nova KBM


Open the account in 10 minutes using Bank@Net online bank or mBank@Net mobile bank.

Download mBank@Net mobile bank here:

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nova kbm

At the branch

We are the most accessible bank with the widest network that enables you to meet your banking demands across the whole country in:
  • branch offices,
  • specialized banking points at select Post offices,
  • all Post offices in Slovenia.***

Nova KBM

What do you need?  

Simple. To open an account via mBank@Net, at your nearest bank branch, at specialised bank counters at selected post offices or at any post office in Slovenia***, you need:

  • a valid identity document,
  • a certificate of tax number and
  • certificate of matriculation.
* Subject to meeting the bank's conditions for approval of the overdraft.
** Any ATM owner fee should be checked when withdrawing cash.
*** Contract-based post offices excluded.
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Prepaid Visa card

You only spend what you have previously loaded on the card. And you can easily keep track of your past purchases and your prepaid account balance in online or mobile bank.


Learn more
predplačniška visa kartica nove kbm

Komplet Bundle

Komplet Bundle brings together everything you need for the important moments in your life, anywhere, anytime. Sign up for it via mBank@Net and we'll give you 9 months of free management as a new customer.

Learn more

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Tourist insurance

To make your vacation or trip abroad worry-free, without fear of damage or loss of luggage, get travel insurance online before you leave.


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Nova KBM Nova KBM Nova KBM
Nova KBM Nova KBMNova KBMNova KBM