Nova KBM

Nova KBM operating as usual, all transactions in Roubles temporarily suspended | NKBM

Nova KBM operating as usual, all transactions in Roubles temporarily suspended

Nova KBM operating as usual, all transactions in Roubles temporarily suspended

28 February 2022
Nova KBM, owned by the Apollo Fund and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), is operating as usual.
This means that all our clients have access to all branch offices around the country during normal business hours, a wide network of ATMs, as well as banking services via digital channels. Clients can use all banking services without restrictions, either via online or mobile banking or by visiting a branch office.

All transactions in Russian roubles (RUB) temporarily suspended

Nova KBM temporarily suspended all transactions in Russian roubles (RUB). Payment transactions, trading and exchange transactions are not available.

Payment transactions for recipients of Sberbank transfers suspended

In accordance with the decision of the Bank of Slovenia, Sberbank has limited operations across all payment systems. This means that this participant is banned from forwarding and receiving all types of transactions. Nova KBM clients are kindly requested to hold off on transactions for this recipient until further notice.

We are closely monitoring the current situation, and the financial sanctions taken by the European Union against Russia will not have a direct impact on our Bank's operations. Nova KBM remains a stable and strong bank and therefore a responsible partner for clients.
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